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Expert Guest Author

FlexJobs occasionally welcomes guest experts to provide the relevant expert tips on a range of topics related to our audience's interest. FlexJobs is proud to have the opportunity to welcome guest posts from high-quality individuals and companies at the top of their fields. These authors pack years of experience behind their career advice on topics including job searching, flexible work options, the benefits of flexible work, on-the-job tips, news and job trends, and job seeker resources.

Should You Mention Your Divorce in a Job Interview?

Should You Mention Your Divorce in a Job Interview?

Going through a divorce can cast a shadow on other parts of your life. Should you mention it during your job search? Here’s what you should consider.

Gap Years Don't Hurt Your Resume, But What You Do Matters

Gap Years Don’t Hurt Your Resume, But What You Do Matters

A gap year won’t automatically raise a red flag for future employers. Volunteering, learning, and caregiving are all legitimate reasons to take a gap year.

8 Career Change Mistakes to Avoid

8 Career Change Mistakes to Avoid

Are you looking to change Planning for potential pitfalls before making a career change can improve your odds of success in a new career path. Learn from these eight career change mistakes to avoid.careers? Before moving forward check out these four career change mistakes to avoid in order to be successful.

7 Must-Have Skills for Remote Job Seekers

7 Must-Have Skills for Remote Job Seekers

Remote workers need a variety of skills to be successful working at home. Here are seven essential skills for remote job seekers!

emotional intelligence in the workplace

5 Ways Emotional Intelligence Can Lead to Career Success

Want to be productive and effective in the workplace? Here’s how tapping into your emotional intelligence can lead to career success.

what to do when you don't get dream job

6 Positive Steps to Take When You Don’t Get Your Dream Job

When you don’t get your dream job, it hurts. Here are 6 positive steps you can take to move forward after a job rejection.

How to Make Your Remote Job Application Stand Out

How to Make Your Remote Job Application Stand Out

Remote jobs can be very competitive, especially at top companies. Here’s how to make your remote job application stand out from all the rest.

Change the Instant Gratification Mindset for Career Success

Change the Instant Gratification Mindset for Career Success

Your mindset is crucial to your career success. Here’s how to change the instant gratification mindset and focus on long-term outcomes.

How Your Online Presence Can Affect Your Job Search

How Your Online Presence Can Affect Your Job Search

Your online presence has a big impact on your job search. Check out these tips to make sure your profiles are ready for successful searching!

Ways You Can Stand Out in the Job Market that AI Can't

4 Ways You Can Stand Out in the Job Market That AI Can’t

There’s uncertainty about how AI will affect the way people find work and advance in their careers. Here’s how to stand out from AI.

Rebecca, who found a flexible job to become a working mom.

How FlexJobs Helped Me Become a Working Mom

Read the job search success story of Rebecca. She used FlexJobs to find a job as a full-time writer and become a working mom!

How a SAHM of 8 Years Went Back to Work with a Flexible Job

Featured Flexer, Vanessa, Tells Us How She Found Work Flexibility

The story of a FlexJobs member and successful job seeker who found a part-time job telecommuting with full benefits.