What Is a Part-Time Job?

While you may think of part-time work as something teens or retirees do, there are many benefits to working part-time, no matter where you are in your career. From staying connected to your field to earning some extra income, here’s why you might want to consider working part-time.

What Is a Part-Time Job?

For the most part, it is up to your employer to define what part-time means. The Department of Labor (DOL) Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) does not contain any rules or guidelines that state how many hours a part-time (or full-time) job is.

Many employers have used the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) definition of part-time work: anyone working less than 35 hours a week. However, 35 hours a week is something the BLS picked for statistical reasons, nothing more.

But the Affordable Care Act (ACA) does define part-time work as anyone working less than an average of 30 hours per week. Anything above that and your employer is required to provide you with health insurance.

And speaking of benefits, some states require employers to let all employees—including part-timers—earn benefits, like paid sick leave.

The Benefits of a Part-Time Job

Now that you know the technical details, here are some of the benefits of working part-time.

1. Flexibility

Part-time work is one of the many types of flexible jobs out there. However, unlike most flexible jobs, part-time work is usually the only one where you work fewer hours than full-time employees.

Also, part-time employees often work a schedule outside of the regular 9-to-5 workday, making it perfect for people who are only available nights and weekends. As an added benefit, part-time workers usually have a set schedule, so you know exactly when you’ll be free and when you won’t.

2. More Work-Life Balance

Since part-time jobs tend to be more flexible, it’s often easier to find the work-life balance you want and need.

Working shorter shifts or fewer days per week minimizes the impact your job has on your personal life, giving you the ability to:

  • Spend more time with your family
  • Work on hobbies and pursue passion projects
  • Volunteer in the community
  • Attend classes for fun or to further your professional education

3. Extra Income

Whether it’s a short-term or long-term spending goal, a part-time job is a great way to earn supplemental income.

Part-time roles are usually hourly positions. And when you do the math, you may just find that you earn more per hour than you might earn as a salaried employee. Plus, there are opportunities to earn more money by working additional hours, as well as the potential to earn overtime pay.

4. Gather Experiences

Part-time positions are also a great way for a variety of workers to gain valuable professional experience.

For example, career changers might accept a part-time role to test-drive a new career before giving up the old one. Part-time positions are also a great way to see if you’d be happy at a new company and to get your foot in the door someplace you really want to work.

Experienced professionals can expand their network with a part-time job. And workers that need to dial back on their full-time commitment but want to remain connected to their careers can do so through part-time employment.

The Right Time for Part-Time

As you can see, there are reasons why working part-time instead of full-time may be the right choice for you. Ultimately, the professional and personal benefits may tip the scales in favor of part-time work!

And no matter what kind of job you’re looking for, FlexJobs has the one that’s right for you. Our extensive database of flexible, remote, and hybrid jobs includes tons of part-time roles.

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