56 Posts Tagged ‘interview-questions

Get tips for the interview process, and learn how to answer any interview question, including how to talk about failure with a potential employer.

How to Answer “What Is Your Ideal Work Environment?”

How to Answer “What Is Your Ideal Work Environment?”

Interviewers want to find out whether you’ll thrive in their workplace. Here’s how to identify your ideal work environment!

25 Customer Service Interview Questions and Answers

25 Customer Service Interview Questions and Answers

Ace your next customer service job interview! Practice for these common customer service interview questions, plus example answers to help you prepare.

How to Answer “What Makes You a Good Candidate for This Job?”

How to Answer “What Makes You a Good Candidate for This Job?”

Interviewers want to know why your skills and experience make you a great fit. Ace this question with expert tips, plus example answers to help you prepare.

Smart Questions to Ask a Hiring Manager to Uncover Potential Red Flags

Smart Questions to Ask a Hiring Manager to Uncover Potential Red Flags

Did something seem off during the interview process? Here’s how to learn more from the hiring manager and avoid a potential bad fit.

How to Position Yourself as the Top Job Candidate: 10 Tactics

How to Position Yourself as the Top Job Candidate: 10 Tactics

Naturally, you want to be the top job candidate when applying for a new position. Use these strategies that are bound to impress any employer.

10 Things to Do the Day of Your Job Interview

10 Things to Do the Day of Your Job Interview

Have a job interview coming up? Ensure it runs as smoothly as possible with this checklist of things to do the day of your job interview.

How to Answer “How Do You Stay Current with New Technology?”

How to Answer “How Do You Stay Current with New Technology?”

Being agile and able to jump into using new technologies like AI is important to employers. Using these example answers and tips you’ll be able to craft the perfect response in your next interview.

How To Use Your Sense of Humor During a Job Interview

How To Use Your Sense of Humor During a Job Interview

Humor can help you build rapport in an interview, but jokes sometimes misfire. Here’s how to keep things light and recover when a joke falls flat.

How to Address Major Concerns During a Job Interview

How to Address Major Concerns During a Job Interview

Did you get an interview for your dream job but have some concerns? Ask these questions to help you uncover potential dealbreakers and gain clarity.

How to Ask About Remote Work During a Job Interview

How to Ask About Remote Work During a Job Interview

Are you interviewing for a new job and hoping to work from home? Here’s how to confidently ask for remote work options during your job interview!

Behavioral Interview Questions: Tips and Example Answers

Behavioral Interview Questions: Tips and Example Answers

Behavioral interview questions focus on soft skills and helpful personality traits. Here’s how to ace behavioral interview questions, plus example answers.

How to Answer “Walk Me Through Your Resume” (Examples)

How to Answer “Walk Me Through Your Resume” (Examples)

This is a great chance to bring your qualifications and experience to life. Here’s how to walk an interviewer through your resume, plus example answers.

3 Strong Signs an Employer Is Ghosting You

3 Strong Signs an Employer Is Ghosting You

Have you heard nothing weeks after your job interview? The employer may not plan to get in touch. Look for these signs that an employer is ghosting you.

10 Ways to Tell if Someone Would Make a Good Boss

10 Ways to Tell if Someone Would Make a Good Boss

Which traits does a great boss possess? It’s an important question to answer when looking for your next employer. Here’s what to look for in a good boss.

Top Situational Interview Questions and Example Answers

Top Situational Interview Questions and Example Answers

Here’s how to recognize situational interview questions and easily answer using the STAR method. These example questions and answers can help you prepare!

8 Questions to Avoid at the End of an Interview

8 Questions to Avoid at the End of an Interview

The interviewer asks if you have any questions—what do you say? Here are a few questions to avoid, and a few questions to focus on instead.

How to Answer “Are You Currently Interviewing Elsewhere?”

How to Answer “Are You Currently Interviewing Elsewhere?”

Employers may be interested in your job search timeline. Here’s how to approach this question strategically, plus example answers to help you prepare.

30 Common Interview Questions and Answers (Tips and Samples)

30 Common Interview Questions and Answers (Tips and Samples)

Preparing well for your interview will give you the best chance at landing the job. Practice with these interview questions, expert advice, and answers!

6 Ways to Deal With a Rude Hiring Manager

6 Ways to Deal With a Rude Hiring Manager

Has a hiring manager been downright rude? Remaining calm can pay off, whether you take the job or not. Use these strategies to handle rude hiring managers!

How to Answer “What Interests You About This Position?”

How to Answer “What Interests You About This Position?”

Employers want to know if you’re interested and committed to the new role. Here’s how to answer this question in an interview, plus example answers.

10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before a Job Interview

10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before a Job Interview

Don’t leave your job interview to chance—ask yourself these 10 questions before your interview to make sure you are prepared.

How to Answer “What Motivates You?” (Examples)

How to Answer “What Motivates You?” (Examples)

Your answer to this question is a great opportunity to show the interviewer your potential. Here’s how to approach this question, plus example answers.

What to Bring to a Job Interview (In Person or Virtual)

What to Bring to a Job Interview (In Person or Virtual)

Wondering what to bring to your job interview? We’ve put together a list of job interview essentials, whether you’re interviewing in person or remotely.

How to Answer “Tell Me About a Time You Failed” (Examples)

How to Answer “Tell Me About a Time You Failed” (Examples)

Interviewers want to know how well you handle setbacks. Here’s how to answer this question in a job interview, plus example answers to help you prepare!

How to Answer “Why Are You Applying for This Position?” (Examples)

How to Answer “Why Are You Applying for This Position?” (Examples)

Answering this question well can show interviewers that you’re eager to join the team. Here’s how to handle this question, plus example to help you prepare.

How to Answer Interview Questions About Your Layoff (Examples)

How to Answer Interview Questions About Your Layoff (Examples)

After being let go, job interviews can be downright stressful. Here’s how to answer tough job interview questions and what to say when asked about your job loss.

How to Answer “What Are Your Career Goals?” (Examples)

How to Answer “What Are Your Career Goals?” (Examples)

Answering this question can be a breeze, even if you’re not sure about your next career move! Our interview tips and example answers can help you prepare.

Have No Questions for the Hiring Manager? Here’s What to Ask

Have No Questions for the Hiring Manager? Here’s What to Ask

What if you get to the end of the interview and have no questions for the hiring manager? Here’s how to come up with something on the fly.

Questions to Ask About a Company’s View on Work Flexibility

Questions to Ask About a Company’s View on Work Flexibility

What does work-life balance look like in the company? This is an important question to ask if you are looking for a company that values flexibility.

Creative Ways to Stand Out in a Job Interview

Creative Ways to Stand Out in a Job Interview

Taking these extra steps in your job interview can help give you an edge, create a positive impression, and ensure you are top-of-mind for the hiring team.

7 Tips for Handling Curveball Interview Questions

7 Tips for Handling Curveball Interview Questions

Interviewers use curveball questions to see how you’ll react when caught off guard. While there’s often no right answer, there are ways you can prepare.

How to Answer “Why Did You Leave Your Last Job?”

How to Answer “Why Did You Leave Your Last Job?”

Here’s some help with answering this tricky interview question and sample answers to get you started. Employers want to know if you left your previous job for a good reason and if you left on good terms.

How to Answer Common Phone Interview Questions

How to Answer Common Phone Interview Questions

Phone interviews are often the first necessary step in the interview process. Here are some common phone interview questions and answers!

How to Approach Salary Questions in an Interview

How to Approach Salary Questions in an Interview

Discussing salary can be uncomfortable at times, but you can approach mid-interview salary questions with these four tactics.