Motivating job seekers with engaging job descriptions.

Are Your Job Descriptions Motivating Job Seekers?


A well-written ad can be the difference between what motivates a job seeker to apply to your jobs and being passed over by a talented candidate. Ensure your description “speaks” to potential employees by using the below “take-notice” strategies.

Are you motivating job seekers to apply to your jobs? Check out these tips!


If readers get to the end of your job description and feel uncertain about what the position entails or the type of applicant you desire, chances are they’ll skip to the next one. Applications take time, and job seekers would rather focus on jobs where their efforts seem most likely to achieve results.

“Job seekers want to be able to clearly make a correlation between their existing skills and the skills that are listed in the job description,” says human resources expert Amanda Haddaway. “Hiring managers can accomplish this by providing as much detail about the job as possible. There’s a new trend to really write a story in the job description that captures a day in the life. This type of realistic job preview allows candidates to see themselves working in the organization in the specific job. Some candidates lack the confidence to apply if they don’t see a good match of the skills that they possess.”

Also on the issue of clarity: make sure readers can easily follow the steps to apply. Candidates move on when they become frustrated by unclear instructions or a process that eats up too much time.

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Vague, lackluster ads fail to ignite a spark in readers. A company that seems to just be going through the motions rather than actively trying to grab your interest is not going to receive the same response as one that comes off as dynamic.

“A great job title and description can make the difference between 10 applicants and 100,” says Shayleen Stuto, talent development manager at TechnologyAdvice. “A job posting is an opportunity to reflect your culture, company values, and personality to potential candidates. Our application numbers more than tripled when we changed our ‘Office Manager’ title to ‘Office (Happiness) Manager.’ This change, coupled with a revamped job description, allowed us to source the best candidates possible—who wouldn’t want to be a happiness manager?! Not only was our position appealing to many different individuals, it also offered a good indicator of the type of company we are and what we hold as important.”


Large or well-known companies often have an advantage in getting noticed because applicants have some familiarity with what they do. Ones without easy name recognition need to dedicate space to telling potential candidates about their products and services. All businesses, however, can benefit from branding. Whet the appetite in the job description, and follow it up with a strong online presence that lets people know what you stand for and what makes you special.


Finally, remember to answer the question that is naturally on the mind of any job seeker, “What’s in it for me?” Perhaps your company permits a flexible work schedule, offers exceptional opportunities for advancement, is located minutes from public transportation, or pays higher than competitors. Tout what you can do for potential employees, and chances are they’ll be eager to demonstrate what they can do for you!

Employers, register today for FlexJobs and post job descriptions for free!

Readers, what’s motivating job seekers to apply to your jobs? How do you keep your job descriptions interesting? Share with us below!

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