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FlexJobs is the leading site for telecommuting, flexible schedule, freelance, and part-time job listings. And as the go-to job service for the “flexible job market,” it’s our goal to help employers target high-quality job seekers who are in the market for flexible work. Our expert guest authors are a vital part of helping us reach that goal. Want tips on managing a flexible team? Look to our expert guest authors. Need ideas on creating and building a successful remote company culture? Our guest authors are experts in that area, too.

FlexJobs is thrilled to have the opportunity to partner with outstanding individuals and companies in order to bring flexible employers high-quality information and data. These authors pack years of experience behind their advice on a range of relevant and current topics. In fact, the FlexJobs Employer Blog offers you trusted resources for all of your flexible job recruitment questions and needs, including information on recruiting, flexible work options, the benefits of flexible work, news and job trends, and additional employer resources.

Our expert guest authors include individuals like Molly Greenberg—the community content manager for MBA@UNC, UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School’s online MBA program—who offers tips on topics such as company culture. Christy Johnson, the CEO of ArtemisConnection, offers her take on the benefits of flexible work. And Sarah Gabot, the marketing manager at Sqwiggle, an online collaboration software, provides on-point advice about managing distributed teams.

We’re also fortunate enough to have articles from experts like Intuit, Syracuse University, Business Interiors by Staples, FlexProfessionals, and Clevertech.

From dispelling myths about part-time workers to developing a home office strategy, our expert guest authors provide up-to-date info and the resources you need to run a successful flexible business.

Browse this section to find advice from all of our expert guest authors. Here you’ll know you’re reading articles from some of the most trusted resources in the business.

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Virtual Leadership: 9 Proven Techniques for Remote Managers

Managing a remote team comes with its fair share of challenges, but these essential strategies can help your team thrive.

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4 Ways to Promote Growth and Learning Opportunities for Your Remote Workforce

Growth and learning opportunities are important to offer your remote workforce. These four tips can help you in creating your ideal program.

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Synchronous Brainstorming Doesn't Work in Remote Environments. Here's Why

Real-time brainstorming won't always produce the best results. For remote or hybrid teams, asynchronous brainstorming might be the key to new innovation.

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How to Boost and Track Productivity for Your Remote Team

One of the biggest challenges many flexible teams have to overcome is coming up with the best ways to boost and track productivity for their remote team members. Here are a few suggestions.

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Workaholism and Substance Abuse: How to Know if Your Employee Needs Help

At least 10% of the U.S. population reportedly suffers from workaholism. Look for the following signs that an employee may need help for workaholism and substance abuse.

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What Does the Generation Z Workforce Want in a Workplace?

The generation Z workforce has quietly started to enter the workplace. Here are a few key factors to keep in mind when attracting gen Z talent.

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How to Start or Refine Your Hiring Process with Prescreening

Interested in streamlining your hiring process and filtering out the best candidates? Here's why you should be using prescreening to hire.

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7 Alternatives to the (Dreaded) Annual Performance Review

Want to modernize feedback procedures so they are more useful for employees and managers? Try these alternatives to the annual performance review.

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6 Lesser-Known Benefits of a Remote Company Model

The benefits of a remote company model have been highlighted abundantly over the past few years. But these lesser-known benefits shouldn't be overlooked.

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5 Tips For Handling Emergencies With Remote Employees

Remote employees tend to be more independent, but there will be times when something goes wrong. Here's how to develop a plan for handling emergencies.

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How to Help Support Employees Who Are in Recovery and Working

Drug and alcohol addiction is an unavoidable reality in the workplace. It's important to know how to support employees who are in recovery and working.

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The Benefits of Coworking Spaces for Corporations

Corporations are moving quickly to tap into the growing coworking trend. Here's why adopting coworking spaces could be a good move for your company.

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3 Reasons Telecommuting Metrics Aren't Developed

Why are telecommuting metrics and programs typically excluded from the typical cycle of business? Consider these three reasons.

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What Happened to Talent Development? This Is How HR Can Help

With human resources technology changing the way we work, HR’s role is moving from paperwork and processes to people, culture and talent development.

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5 Ways Companies Can Support Employees with Caretaking Responsibilities

Do you have employees with caretaking responsibilities? Here are five things you can do to support and retain those workers.

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Geographic Flexibility: Recruit and Retain Top Talent with Flexible Work

Flexible work overall is on the rise globally. Here's how emphasizing geographic flexibility and work-from-home options can help recruit and retain talent!

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How Flexible Work Supports Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility can help your company in both the consumer and talent market. If you have a flexible work policy, you're on the right track.

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9 Ways Companies Can Go Green

Protecting the environment applies to companies as well. And it's a great way to stand out. Use these tips to go green and help your bottom line! 

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Why Millennials are Perfect Remote Work Hires

Millennials are defined to have been born between 1981 and approximately 1996. The term is credited to authors William Strauss and Neil Howe in their book, Generations: The History of America’s Future, 1584 to 2069. The basic idea was that this generation included all those who would come into adulthood around the turn of the […]

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What’s the Return on Investment of Your Telecommuting Program?

For years, decades even, HR professionals have heard about the individual and organizational benefits of incorporating telecommuting arrangements into the workplace. The Telecommuting Advantage Group (TAG) and other research have shown employer benefits that include higher organizational commitment, reduced employee absenteeism, higher levels of productivity, increased job satisfaction, and reduced turnover rates among employees who […]

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Are ATS Forms Killing Your Applicant Pool? Try Double Opt-In

There's a little secret that can help you attract more applicants—the double opt-in. Recruit quality applicants with these tips!

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9 Lessons to Learn from the Worst Bosses in Film

There's a lot to learn from movies and TV shows about workplace dynamics. Here are nine lessons you learn from the worst bosses in film.

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Cigna’s Best Practices for Managing Telecommuters

More and more companies are realizing that in order to attract and retain top employees they need to be open to flexible work schedules and telecommuting options. These arrangements can benefit both the employee and the business as long as the right tools, resources, and expectations are laid out from the start. Below you will […]

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Company Community: 3 Ways to Include Remote Employees

Creating a company community is crucial to building a strong company culture. If water cooler chats aren't an option, use these tips to nurture community.

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4 Ways to Enhance Your Team’s Video Conferencing Skills

More than half of surveyed companies reported plans to invest more in workplace flexibility programs this year, according to the 2015 Workplace Flexibility Study by WorkplaceTrends.com and CareerArc. As companies create more opportunities and resources for remote work, video conferencing will likely be one of the primary tools organizations introduce or extend to keep remote […]

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How to Create a Company Culture Beyond Brick-and-Mortar Walls

How can you ensure your employees, near and far, experience the same company culture? Check out these tips to create a company culture in a virtual office!

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How to Develop a Home Office Strategy for Effective Remote Work

Have you developed a home office strategy? Use these tips to put together a strategy for yourself or your employees. Develop a strategy that works for you!

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How Flexible Work Options Support Employee Wellness

How are you supporting employee wellness and health as an employer? Here's how flexible work can promote human sustainability and employee satisfaction.

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Top 5 Myths About Part-Time Workers

Part-time professionals are a great addition to any company. Check out these myths about part-time workers, and the facts on how they can be an asset!

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Managing Remote Employees: Out of Sight, Not out of Mind

Managing remote employees and teams requires a different skill set. Here are five tips to help you be a successful manager of a remote team!

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Tips for Managing a Productive Distributed Team

A huge component of managing a distributed team is having the right information technology infrastructure in place, and your IT team can help.

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Companies: Embrace the Future with Remote Work

Why and how should companies embrace remote work as a solid business operating option? Our guest expert shares recent data and tips for virtual teams.

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Environmental Benefits of Telecommuting: Companies Should Go Green

Environmental benefits of telecommuting are a reason that companies should incorporate telecommuting and flextime into their environmental policies.

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Is Your Company Discriminating Against Working Moms?

According to a 2013 Pew Foundation report, not only are working mothers on the rise, they also are the primary or sole breadwinner in 40 percent of all households. Yet, despite this female increase in workforce participation, an alarmingly high number of women have reported having children hinders their career advancement. Unfortunately, it looks like […]

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3 Ways Businesses Can Outsource Social Media

Today’s post comes from Scott Yates, CEO of Verblio, the best blog writing service on four paws. FlexJobs is happy to be partnering with Verblio to offer all FlexJobs employer members 30% off their first month of a Verblio subscription. Employers—check out the FlexJobs Employer Member Savings page for details. Editor’s note: This post was actually […]