About Robin Madell

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Robin Madell has spent over two decades as a corporate writer, journalist, and communications consultant on business, leadership, career, health, finance, technology, and public-interest issues. She is a contributor to the On Careers section of U.S. News & World Report and serves as a copywriter, speechwriter, and ghostwriter for companies, executives, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders across diverse industries. Robin has interviewed over 200 thought leaders around the globe, and has won 20 awards for editorial excellence. She has served on the Board of Directors of the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association in both New York and San Francisco, and contributed to the book Be Your Own Mentor: Strategies from Top Women on the Secrets of Success, published by Random House. Robin is also the author of Surviving Your Thirties: Americans Talk About Life After 30 and co-author of The Strong Principles: Career Success. You can contact her via LinkedIn.

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How to Improve Visibility for Your Remote Workforce

It's essential to increase the visibility of your remote workers in a hybrid environment. Check out these six strategies to get you started!

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New Data Shows the Benefits of Online Training for Companies

Online training during the pandemic was not only passable, but it was more effective than in-person training, according to a recent study.

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As Employees “Hibernate” in Their Jobs, How Can Companies Continue to Nurture Retention?

Many employees are "hibernating" in their jobs. As the pandemic wanes, what can companies do to retain staff?

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Key Learnings From 1 Year of Remote Work

After 1 year of the pandemic, more companies have learned about the benefits of remote work. Read more about the key findings.

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For Employers Considering a Transition From Fully Remote to Hybrid, Keep Equity in Mind

There are processes and mindsets that will make a difference in ensuring equity for remote employees in a hybrid remote system. Learn more.

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Starting off on the Right Foot: Onboarding Freelancers

Since there are different requirements with onboarding freelancers, use the following tips to get started on the right foot!

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3 Questions to Ask Everyone on Your Remote Team

To build a positive employee experience, managers need to prioritize communication. Here are three questions to ask your remote team members.

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How to Overcome 5 Common Challenges of Managing Remote Teams

Managing a remote team requires different techniques. Here's how to address the top five challenges of remote management.

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How Companies Can Harness Meditation for Health and Productivity Benefits

By offering your teams the option to try out meditation, you’ll likely find that you get back much more than you give.

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Leveraging the Strengths of Different Personalities in Remote Meetings

Finding a way to balance the differing personalities on your team helps managers and companies benefit from everyone. Here's how.

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5 Ways to Lead With Compassion

Effectively leading an organization through a crisis is best done with compassionate leadership. Here are 5 ways to lead with compassion.

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How to Help Working Parents Overcome Career Setbacks During COVID-19

COVID-19 has stalled the careers and growth of many employees, including working parents. Here's how employers can support them.

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How to Recognize Your Employees This Holiday Season

This holiday season is far from normal in many workplaces. Here's how you can give your employees some TLC this year.

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How to Encourage Your Remote Workers to Take Breaks

Research shows that employees are hesitant to take breaks when they work remotely. Here's how to encourage staff to power down during the day.

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How to Appreciate and Thank Your Employees During the Pandemic

It's more important than ever to show your employees how much they matter. Here's how to appreciate your employees during the pandemic.

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How Employers Can Help With Burnout Amid the Pandemic

A recent FlexJobs survey found that employee burnout is on the rise. Here's what employers can do to prevent burnout during the pandemic.

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How Flexible Work Can Deter Presenteeism

In today's world, presenteeism (being at work no matter what) harms your bottom line. Here's how flexible work can help.

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Pay Localization and Remote Work: What It Means for Your Company

As more companies allow employees to work remotely (and perhaps from anywhere), employers need to consider how this impacts wages.

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It’s a Jobseeker’s Market—What Employers Need to Do to Retain Working Moms

Regardless of industry, companies need to be more serious about recruiting & keeping their best workers—and that includes retaining working moms.

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Encourage Employees to Have a Side Hustle: Here's Why

Want to empower your employees, promote professional development, and increase work-life balance? Encourage your employees to take on a side hustle.

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Just How Much Do Millennials Value Work Flexibility?

You've heard that younger workers place huge value on work flexibility. But is this statement really true, or just conjecture? Here's what a new study says.

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How to Establish Gender-Blind Pay Benchmarks and Evaluate Women Fairly

Looking to establish gender-blind pay benchmarks at your company? Here's how to ensure that women are paid equally for equal work.

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Contingent Workforce Management in 2019 and Beyond

Do you manage a contingent workforce? Here are four strategic recommendations that can help guide any business that relies on non-employee workers.

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How an “Always-On” Mentality Can Lead to Burnout

Are you an employer who worries about absenteeism? If so, your time might be better spent thinking about how to combat “presenteeism." If your culture has an always-on mentality, your employees could be headed for burnout. Here's why.

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What’s Most Important to Job Seekers in 2019?

What do U.S. job seekers care most about in an employer as they plan their next move and consider new options in 2019? Check out the findings of a new study.

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What First-Time Millennial Managers Need to Succeed

Want your first-time millennial managers to succeed? Coaching skills are considered an essential competency. Here's where you'll need to invest some time and money.

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What Really Drives Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives? Leadership Support

Many employers care about diversity and inclusion, but few are getting it right. Here's how leadership support can help your D&I efforts.

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Have Trouble Disconnecting from Work? This CEO Doesn’t

Have trouble disconnecting from work even when on holiday? You can learn something from Mathilde Collin, CEO and co-founder of the tech company Front.

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Capabilities Are the New Career Currency, and Other 2019 Career Trends

As we slide into 2019, employers should be aware of some workplace trends that pertain to distributed, flexible workforces. Here are some of the top career trends of 2019.

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Diversity 2019: New Year, New Approaches to Common Challenges

The playing field for diversity and inclusion (D&I) isn’t static. It’s important for employers to keep up-to-date with current trends. For guidance in this initiative, we tapped Carin Taylor, chief diversity officer at Workday, for a Q&A on the latest challenges and what organizations need to know about planning for diversity initiatives in 2019.

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An Insider Look at the Interview Experience

How much thought do you give to ensuring that those initial impressions formed during an interview are good ones? Here's a look at the interview experience from the job seeker's point of view.

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New Study Finds Remote Workers Happier and More Productive

Want happy and productive employees? According to a new study, remote work is the answer. Here's why offering remote work can help.

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Inside the Mind of a Job Seeker

Companies that attract the best talent know something that their competitors don’t: what factors are most important to job seekers. Here's a glimpse into the mind of today's job seeker.

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Confronting the Challenges of a Completely Remote Workforce

When you take the time to peek behind the scenes at actual companies that are successfully operating with a completely remote workforce, it becomes clear that strong engagement with a virtualized staff can become a reality—as long as you use an effective strategy. Here's how to deal with the challenges.

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New Tech Tools Help Employers Find Freelance Talent

One of the toughest challenges for employers to navigate is how to find freelance talent that's high-quality. Here's how new tech tools can help employers connect with top-tier freelancers.

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What’s the Most Productive Communication Tool? Survey Says: Team Messaging

Is your organization trying to figure out how to make remote work “work”? Here's how and why team messaging can help as a communication tool.