Building an Inclusive Workplace for Neurodiversity

Building an Inclusive Workplace for Neurodiversity


When we talk about diversity, we may think about many of the differences we can physically see. But there’s also a lot of diversity in how we think.

The way you and another colleague at work think about the same issue may vary. You may think primarily in words, but your neurodivergent colleague may have everything playing in their head like a slideshow.

Neurodivergent people have a unique way of thinking that can benefit their employers. But often, employers may not realize they aren’t setting up their neurodivergent employees for success.

Below, we explain what neurodiversity is, how it can benefit your organization, and how you can create a more neurodivergent-inclusive workplace.

Defining Neurodivergent

What does neurodivergent mean? Simply put, the term neurodivergent is used to describe people whose brains work differently.

Per Harvard Medical School, neurodiversity is “the idea that people experience and interact with the world around them in many different ways; there is no one ‘right’ way of thinking, learning, and behaving, and differences are not viewed as deficits.”

Often, the term is used to describe autism spectrum disorders, but neurodiversity describes a variety of conditions, including but not limited to:

The key here is that neurodivergent professionals aren’t unintelligent or somehow unable to succeed in the workplace. Neurodivergent professionals simply approach and view things differently than their neurotypical colleagues.

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Statistics About Neurodivergent People

Neurodivergence isn’t as rare as you might think. Researchers estimate that 20% of the world’s population is neurodiverse. That means that just under a quarter of the global population is neurodivergent.

Many well-known celebrities and historical figures are neurodivergent. Here are just a few examples:

  • Dr. Temple Grandin, Professor, Public Speaker, and Autism Advocate
  • Greta Thunberg, Climate Activist
  • Emma Watson, Actress and Women’s Rights Advocate
  • Marie Curie, Nobel Prize winner, Chemist, Physicist
  • Satoshi Tajiri, Creator of Pokémon
  • Simone Biles, Olympic Gold Medalist
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Composer

Why Neurodiversity Matters

One of the strengths that neurodivergent employees offer is their different cognition patterns or ways of thinking. For example, many people with autism spectrum disorder are visual thinkers, something Dr. Temple Grandin says is undervalued, including in the workplace.

Some people are object visualizers, whose brains work almost like Google images. Visual-spatial thinkers tend to think in patterns. And some people only think in words. Dr. Grandin stresses that each of these kinds of thinking brings different strengths that could make them an asset.

For example, she says if there had been more neurodivergent employees at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, the nuclear disaster in 2011 might have been averted. This is because her research on visual thinkers has shown that they have a unique ability to better perceive risks.

In short, different types of thinking can lead to diverse innovation and problem-solving, which means creating a neurodivergent-inclusive workplace is critical.

How to Build a Neurodivergent-Inclusive Workplace

While neurodiversity can benefit your organization in many ways, many neurodivergent individuals face obstacles in the workplace. Often, companies may accidentally screen out neurodivergent candidates or have structures in place that unintentionally keep their talents from shining.

Below, we share a few ways you can create a neurodivergent-inclusive workplace.

Offer Workplace Accommodations

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) does require employers to provide appropriate accommodations for certain disabilities. Beyond legal requirements, help employees create an office environment that lets them do their best work.

For example, maybe you provide a stipend for them to purchase noise-canceling headphones. Or, allow them to bring fidget toys to their office or cubicle. Research has shown that these items can be helpful to neurodivergent individuals when they need to calm down, focus, or be attentive (for example, when they’re writing a report or attending a meeting).

Use Clear Communication

Clear communication is key to a healthy workplace. It’s also critical to successfully communicate with neurodivergent employees. Here are a few best practices to keep in mind:

  • Avoid sarcasm, as it can be difficult for neurodivergent people to understand.
  • Be very specific about assignment requirements and daily tasks.
  • In addition, consider breaking down those assignments into smaller, actionable steps.
  • Provide clear, direct feedback (some neurodivergent people can’t discern social cues or tone of voice).
  • Be patient! You may have to repeat yourself, or it may take them a while to articulate their needs.

Recognize Individual Differences

Even if you have two employees with Asperger syndrome, it’s important to recognize that each individual is unique. The way they view themselves and the world around them isn’t going to be the same, nor is their approach to work. They may have different learning styles. Or, one may prefer an online chat to Zoom calls, while another may find a group chat stressful. It’s important to recognize their respective needs as individuals.

Provide Training

When it comes to building a neurodivergent-inclusive workplace, it takes more than policy measures from senior leadership. Everyone must be involved—from managers to junior staff. Helping everyone to understand what neurodiversity is, why it matters, and how to work with neurodiverse colleagues can create a more inclusive environment.

If you don’t have a neurodiversity expert to rely on, here are some great resources to guide your training:

Create a Workplace That Values Neurodiversity

Neurodiverse individuals have different ways of thinking, which can add value to the workplace. By taking the time to understand neurodiversity, providing training to staff, and communicating effectively, you can create a more inclusive workplace.

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