Manage Flex Work

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3 Ways to Encourage Work-Life Balance for Your Remote Employees

It shouldn’t be assumed that offering workers the ability to telecommute immediately solves all balancing issues. Help your telecommuters and encourage work-life balance with these three strategies.

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5 Tips for Managing the Chronically Distracted

When employees work remotely, it’s up to them, for the most part, to avoid being chronically distracted. Here's how to help remote workers manage their distractions.

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How to Boost and Track Productivity for Your Remote Team

One of the biggest challenges many flexible teams have to overcome is coming up with the best ways to boost and track productivity for their remote team members. Here are a few suggestions.

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Workaholism and Substance Abuse: How to Know if Your Employee Needs Help

At least 10% of the U.S. population reportedly suffers from workaholism. Look for the following signs that an employee may need help for workaholism and substance abuse.

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When to Turn Your Remote Meeting into an Email

Having a remote meeting can serve to communicate information, bond team members, and set expectations. But there may be times when sending an email instead of having a meeting can be more effective. Here's how to know.

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How to Decide Which Employees Would Be Successful As Remote Workers

When a manager receives a request from someone who would like to try remote work, or decides it's time to build a remote team, she first needs to consider which employees are likely to be successful as remote workers. Here's how to decide.

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5 Tips for First-Time Remote Managers

Whether you're a brand-new manager, or simply new to managing a remote team, you may find yourself off to a much better start if you have an understanding of best practices for a first-time remote manager.

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Tips for Retaining Your Best Remote Workers in 2018

Now is the time to make an extra effort for retaining your best remote workers. Here are a few ideas to help you keep your telecommuters happy and hardworking this year and beyond.

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5 Things You Should Be Telling Your Flexible Staffers

You value your flexible staffers, but are you truly maximizing their potential? Include these five statements during interactions with flexible staffers.

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How to Make Sure Your Remote Employees Are Happy

How can you make sure remote employees are happy in their work when they are hundreds or thousands of miles away? Here are a few ideas.

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10 Questions Remote Employers Should Ask Regularly

Want to know how your telecommuters are doing, strengthen your business, and head off problems? Use these questions remote employers should ask regularly.

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How to Discourage Workaholism in Your Remote Workforce

An "always-on" attitude is simply not sustainable, even for remote workers. Use these suggestions to discourage workaholism in your remote workforce.

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How to Tactfully Make Sure Your Employees Are Working

There are some great ways to ensure your employees are working without invading their privacy. Use these tips to monitor productivity.

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How to Handle 8 Types of Difficult Remote Employees

Here are eight different kinds of difficult remote employees you may encounter during your career, as well as a few ideas for how to handle them.

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How to Avoid Failing Your Remote Team

With all or some of your remote team out of sight, it can be easy to let your management skills slide. Use these tips to avoid failing your remote team.

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5 Best Communication Practices for Your Remote Team

Is your remote team communicating effectively? Improve communication practices among your remote team by evaluating how well you fare in these five areas.

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Why Paid Sick Days Are Important for Everyone

When workers don’t have paid sick days, everyone—including the companies they work for—suffers the ill effects. Here's why it's so important.

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3 Fun Ways to Celebrate Halloween with Your Remote Employees

Just because your remote workers aren’t in the office doesn’t mean you can't celebrate Halloween. Use these tips to throw a great remote celebration.

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9 Important Lessons for Remote Managers from the 2017 TRaD Works Forum

There always lessons to be learned as a remote manager. Here are nine crucial takeaways from the second annual TRaD Works Forum.

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5 Unique Ways to Engage Millennial Employees

Wondering how to engage millennial employees and keep them enthusiastic on the job? Use these five effective tips to maximize your impact.

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How to Help a Remote Employee Who is a Terrible Communicator

Does your new remote hire seem to lack communication skills? If your remote employee is performing well, but is a terrible communicator, here's how to help!

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7 Creative Ways to Show Remote Workers You Care

In a remote work environment, showing your remote workers that you care can require a little more effort. Here are seven ways to make them feel special.

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Are You a Bad Boss? Here's How to Tell

Something not feeling right in your managerial position? Here are some signs that you might be a bad boss, with advice on how to turn things around.

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Growing Staff? Here's How to Connect with Them

With a growing staff, and some workers shifting hours or telecommuting, it's easy to lose touch. Here's how to connect and maintain morale.

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Lemons to Lemonade: Turning Bad Hires Into Good Workers

Not every bad hire has to result in a termination. Use these tips to turn bad hires into great workers who thrive at your company.

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5 Tips for Convincing Candidates to Work Remotely

If you find that you have to sell the idea of remote work to a job candidate, these ideas just might convince your candidate to work remotely.

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5 Tips for Engaging In-Office and At-Home Workers Together

It takes a more concentrated effort for remote workers to engage with others. Here's how to create a plan for engaging in-office and at-home workers.

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4 Reasons to Embrace Employee Mistakes

Believe it or not, employee mistakes can actually be a great thing for your company. Here's why you should embrace your employees—mistakes and all.

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4 Reasons Summertime Can Be a Challenge for Remote Workers

With temptations and distractions, summertime can be a challenge for remote workers. Here's how to handle those challenges as an employer.

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Employee Engagement Myths and How to Change Them

Myths about what employee engagement means and how to achieve it are as prevalent as ever. Here's a look at five of the most common.

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3 Team Building Exercises for Remote Employees

Want to boost morale and improve communication among your remote team? Try out these three team building exercises to achieve both!

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5 Leadership Skills to Master If You Manage a Remote Team

Managing a remote team requires a little additional finesse. If you're in charge of a remote team, consider mastering these five leadership skills.

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7 Alternatives to the (Dreaded) Annual Performance Review

Want to modernize feedback procedures so they are more useful for employees and managers? Try these alternatives to the annual performance review.

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Tips to Engage, Support, and Motivate Remote Employees

Want a strong remote team? A virtual high five for work done well won't cut it. Instead, use these tips to engage, support, and motivate remote employees.

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Engage Employees by Recognizing Them

Looking for an easy way to engage employees? Make regular, thoughtful recognition a company staple. Here's why you should put this into practice!

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7 Ted Talks That Can Teach You How to Be a Better Leader

If you're an organization leader looking for ways to improve your skills, these seven TED Talks can offer great insights on how to be a better leader.

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