Recruit Talent

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Helping Military Families with Flexible Work

Military families face a range of challenges, including frequent moves and a lack of childcare. Here's how you can start helping military families.

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Employee vs. Freelancer: Which is a Better Fit?

Here are some questions to ask yourself when considering the employee vs. freelancer question, to help assess which would be a better fit for your company.

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4 Reasons You May Lose Potential Talent to Competition

Worried about losing your potential talent to a competitor? Here are four reasons the top talent may decide to go elsewhere.

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What Does the Generation Z Workforce Want in a Workplace?

The generation Z workforce has quietly started to enter the workplace. Here are a few key factors to keep in mind when attracting gen Z talent.

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Why Employers Should Consider Putting Less Weight on Job Interviews

Knowing how to conduct a proper job interview can help an employer potentially make a more informed decision. Use these tips for job interviews.

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How to Recruit and Hire Telecommuters with TRaD Work

Are you working to establish standards that can apply when you hire telecommuters? Check out these insights from TRaD leaders.

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How to "Sell" Millennials on Remote Work

Are you running into great millennial candidates who aren't keen on remote work? Here's how to convince them that the remote lifestyle is worth a shot.

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How to Start or Refine Your Hiring Process with Prescreening

Interested in streamlining your hiring process and filtering out the best candidates? Here's why you should be using prescreening to hire.

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6 Facts to Share with Job Seekers

Job seekers need some info in order to make an informed decision about whether they want to work for your company or not. Here's what to share.

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Wondering How to Keep Employees? Offer Flexibility

Wondering how to keep employees? You're not alone. Retention is one of the biggest problems that organizations face today. Here's how flexibility can help!

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Don't Lose New Employees to Bad Onboarding

Turnover is a major concern, especially at remote companies. Use the following strategies to stop bad onboarding from happening and retain your top talent.

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Work Flexibility Helps Great Assistant Attract High-Caliber Talent

Looking to recruit top talent? Check out how Great Assistant is using work flexibility to attract high-caliber employees to their team.

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How to Hire Flexible Workers With No Regrets

Challenges get magnified when it comes to hiring for a flexible positions. Use these tips to ensure you hire flexible workers without any regrets.

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How to Find the Best Talent Quickly

Understandably, you want top talent on your team. But time is always a factor. Here's how to find the best talent if you simply don't have time to waste.

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5 Great Examples of Job Descriptions That Show off Flex

Want to recruit top talent? Then you have to tout your flex work options. Use these great examples of job descriptions that show off flex to get started.

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5 Questions About Remote Work You Should Always Ask Candidates

When hiring, you should treat the ability to work remotely as a skill in and of itself. Use these questions about remote work to judge competency.

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Cactus Communications Hires Top Flexible Talent Using FlexJobs

Recruiting experienced remote workers isn't always easy. Check out how Cactus Communications uses FlexJobs to source and hire top flexible talent.

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Why Big Companies like Amazon and Apple Embrace Telecommuting

Several large companies are making it well-known that they embrace telecommuting. Check out the reasoning behind their strategy.

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Interview Questions You Should Ask—And 3 to Avoid

The questions asked during an interview can guide your decision making. We look at three interview questions you should ask, and three to always avoid.

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How to Give Job Interview Feedback, and Why You Should

You may not want to give job interview feedback to candidates who didn't make the cut, but it could be one of the best recruiting decisions you make.

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Innovative Ways to Find and Source Talent

Finding talent often uses the same old tactics. Change up your strategy a bit with these innovative ways to find and source talent.

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Job Interview Questions to Avoid When Hiring a Remote Employee

Hiring a remote employee differs from hiring for an on-site position. Keep the discussion professional by avoiding these job interview questions.

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Why a Quarter of U.S. Jobs Remain Unfilled for More Than 60 Days

Even as job seekers struggle to find work, employers are offering thousands of U.S. jobs that they're unable to fill. Here's why.

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Engage Job Seekers in 5 Steps

Companies have to woo job seekers in order to attract and retain the best talent possible. Use these five steps to engage job seekers from the start.

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How to Convey Company Culture During the Interview Process

You're interviewing a candidate with all the right skills. They check all the boxes. But will they fit well into your company culture? Here's how to know.

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Summit CPA Uses FlexJobs to Hire Great Flexible Workers

In just a few short years, Summit CPA has made a remarkable transition. The Fort Wayne, Indiana-based accounting and financial services company has broadened its job candidate base exponentially by using FlexJobs to hire great flexible workers from across the country.

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Why Offering Flexibility May Be the Best Recruiting Strategy

Want to attract and hire the best workers? Make sure your including recruiting strategy includes sought-after flexible work benefits. Here's why.

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Tasty Superfoods Finds High-Level Remote Candidates Using FlexJobs

Looking to recruit talent? Check out the story of Tasty Superfoods, an employer who used FlexJobs' services to recruit remote candidates and fill positions.

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Want to Keep Millennial Staffers? Avoid These 5 Things

To keep millennial staffers, employers must understand what motivates this group and why. Use these tips to retain your top talent.

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7 Ways to Find Freelancers and Keep the Best

Looking to find freelancers? Don’t bring on just anyone. Approach the opening with the same seriousness as hiring permanent staff.

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10 Tips for Successfully Retaining Your Best Talent

Once you've hired those skilled employees, the real key to growth and prosperity is retaining your best talent. Here's how!

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10 Best Cities for Flexible Tech Jobs

Looking to attract top tech talent? Check out this list, which offers insight into the the best cities for flexible tech jobs.

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How to Use Video Interviewing in Your Hiring Process

Interested in hiring telecommuters? Video interviewing can be a very useful tool. Use these tips to incorporate it into your hiring process!

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7 Tips to Attract Working Mothers to STEM Fields

How can companies help develop women's interest in STEM fields, recruit them, and keep them on the payroll? Here are a few suggestions.

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What Digital Portfolios Say About Remote Candidates

Wondering how to best manage and review an influx of digital portfolios? Use this checklist to make sure you're hiring the right candidate.

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Ideas for Talent Sourcing in the Modern Era

Hiring was fairly simply before the Internet and social media. Times have changed. Use these ideas for talent sourcing in the modern era.

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