Recruit Talent

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Interview Communication Failures and How to Fix Them

Interview communication failures are all too common. Here's how to be proactive during the entire hiring process keep quality candidates on board.

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5 Things All Employers Should Know About Generation Z

The first members of generation z are just starting in the workforce, but smart leaders will start thinking about their arrival sooner rather than later.

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Millennials Want Employee Perks, Survey Finds

A new survey finds that employee perks are crucial to millennial job satisfaction? But are you offering the right perks at your company?

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Tap into Tech to Recruit for the Future Workforce

Members of the future workforce are turned off by substandard technology. Learn how you can use tech to attract and retain top talent.

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7 Tips to Attract Passive Job Seekers

Most companies wouldn't characterize the ideal candidate as "passive." But that mindset is changing. Here's why and how to attract passive job seekers.

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5 Ways to Connect with Candidates in a Remote Environment

Job candidates can often feel cut off during the entire application process. Use these tips to better connect with candidates in a remote environment.

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Talent Search: You’ve Found the Best Candidate . . . or Have You?

Think you've found the best candidate for the job? Here’s why your “perfect” candidate might not be so ideal, and why it pays to dig a little deeper.

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Women Want Flexibility at Work, FlexJobs Survey Finds

Ahead of salary, health insurance, company reputation, and retirement benefits, women want flexibility at work, according to a FlexJobs survey.

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Baby Boomers Eye Work Flexibility Over Salary, FlexJobs Survey Finds

New data shows that highlighting work flexibility over salary might be your ticket to attracting and retaining "older" candidates.

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Engagement Rings, Bling, and Other Biased Recruiting Things

How can you keep your personal biases in check to make a solid business decision solely based on merit? Learn how to keep biased recruiting at bay.

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The Search Is On: Candidate Sourcing Beyond Your 'Backyard'

How do you find the best workers for your company if you're geographically specific? Go remote. Here's how candidate sourcing beyond your backyard can help!

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6 Creative Sourcing Tactics to Find Top Flexible Job Candidates

Sourcing top candidates takes time, especially when hiring flexible and remote workers. Use these creative sourcing tactics to find top candidates.

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Benefiting You, Benefiting Them: Use Flex Work as a Recruiting Tool

Are you missing the mark when it comes to your flexible work program? Successfully advertising your flex policies is a great recruiting tool.

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5 Smart Hiring Practices for Flexible Jobs

Want to recruit and retain top talent? Use these five smart hiring practices to find the best candidate for the position.

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Want Loyal Employees? Develop These 5 Habits

A company is only as strong and successful as the workers it employs. Use these habits to develop and retain loyal employees.

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Methods for Maximizing Millennial Engagement

From an employer’s perspective, understanding the topic of millennials at work is critical to success. Here's how to maximize millennial engagement.

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How to Spot High and Low Performers in Remote Environment

It can be difficult to spot low performers when employees are working from home or in a remote location. Look out for these warning signs.

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10 Flexible Hiring Mistakes to Avoid

Many companies make common hiring mistakes that, in many cases, could have been avoided. Keep these hiring mistakes in mind when recruiting.

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10 Interview Questions for Flexible Schedule Jobs

Some interview questions are standard. But when it comes to flexible schedule jobs, things get a little trickier. Ask these questions to recruit top talent.

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Emotional Intelligence: Ask These 5 Questions to Learn About a Candidate

From the job candidate’s application, he seems to have all of the qualifications necessary for the position. But are work experience and skills enough to hire a great employee? Not necessarily. In fact, it’s the soft skills (i.e. emotional intelligence) that can make all the difference between an employee who has the right stuff on […]

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Why a Formal Telecommuting and Flexwork Policy is Key to Recruiting

Think back for a moment to the last time you were hunting for a new job and looking at a company and their flexwork policy.

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5 Tips for Hiring Top Talent for Company Growth

Finding the best workers and hiring top talent for your growing company can be challenging, especially when a solid economy creates a job hunter’s market.

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How to Successfully Hire Millennials

Millennials are truly the sweet spot in today’s workforce. Use these tips to successfully hire millennials and retain that talent!

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Infographic: Your 7 Biggest Hiring Problems

Hiring a potential employee just isn’t what it used to be. Take a look at the biggest hiring problems you need to solve in 2016!

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9 Tips for Marketing Flexible Jobs

When it comes to recruiting flex workers, even if you build a want ad, they might not come. Use these suggestions for successfully marketing flexible jobs!

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5 Talent Acquisition Tips for Flexible Jobs

When it comes to flexible work, talent acquisition takes some thought and preparation. Use these tips to attract top talent to your company.

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6 Perks Companies with Limited Budgets Can Offer Workers

Looking for edge to recruit and retain talent? You don't have to break the bank. These six perks for companies with limited budgets are sure to impress. 

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Why Millennials are Perfect Remote Work Hires

Millennials are defined to have been born between 1981 and approximately 1996. The term is credited to authors William Strauss and Neil Howe in their book, Generations: The History of America’s Future, 1584 to 2069. The basic idea was that this generation included all those who would come into adulthood around the turn of the […]

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Are ATS Forms Killing Your Applicant Pool? Try Double Opt-In

There's a little secret that can help you attract more applicants—the double opt-in. Recruit quality applicants with these tips!

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How Do I Register for a Featured Employer Account?

Utilizing FlexJobs can help your company find high-quality, motivated candidates. Learn how to become a featured employer! 

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How 10 Government Agencies Use Remote and Flexible Work

Government agencies have been at the forefront of flexible work options for quite a few years. Here's how 10 government agencies use flex and remote work! 

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8 Job Seekers Hired Successfully for Flexible Technology Jobs

The tech industry is a great place for employers to find top talent. Learn how to recruit and hire the best candidates for flexible technology jobs.

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The How of Hiring Flexible Schedule Workers

Hiring flexible schedule workers can be challenging. By using these guidelines, you can make recruiting and hiring great candidates a seamless transition.

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How to Write Creative Job Listings

Part of attracting the right talent is creating a great job listing and description. Check out these tips to help you write creative job listings!

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Are Your Job Descriptions Motivating Job Seekers?

Do you know what motivates a job seeker to apply to a job? Check out these three tips that help to attract candidates to your job descriptions!

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Don't Hide your Flex: Tout Work Flexibility

To attract candidates interested in flexible work, its important that you aren’t hiding your flex. Learn here to promote and highlight your flexible work!

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