Employers Show Support to Military Professionals with Flexible Work

Employers: Show Support to Military Professionals with Flexible Work


A presidential proclamation was made on Friday, August 14, 2015, naming the week of August 17 through the 21 the National Employers Support of the Guard and Reserve Week. This week is dedicated to thanking both those who serve, as well as the employers who have or are currently hiring military professionals.

With over one million guardsmen and reservists, most employers will at some point encounter a professional who lives both civilian and military lifestyles. The dual calling of these professionals is one of a kind, and one that comes with many challenges. These challenges, however, can be more easily managed with employers who understand the drive to serve both their country and their private employer.

Employers of guardsman and reservists know the profound talent and service these professional bring to the workplace. As hardworking team players with an extreme amount of determination and focus, military professionals can bring a great deal of success to teams and organizations. However, many of these professionals struggle with finding and maintaining employment due to service requirements. One way to combat this is through flexible work.

Employers: Show Support to Military Professionals with Flexible Work

Employers offering flexible work can make a great deal of difference in the lives of those who serve. By offering understanding and flexibility, these dual professionals can give their all to support both company operations and military mission. Here are a few tips for hiring military professionals.

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  • Make your flexibility obvious in job descriptions. State the type of flexibility you are offering, and if it is negotiable, say so.
  • Consider adding a statement to your job descriptions that shows you are veteran friendly.
  • If you are veteran owned, proudly display it on your site!
  • Do you currently employ reservists, guardsman, or retired veterans? If so, consider sharing this on your company website.
  • Many military-friendly companies have a section of their website dedicated to hiring military professionals. Consider making one if you find that it coincides with your mission and operations.
  • If you are looking to recruit military veterans, reach out to well-known military affiliates or nonprofits to spread the word of your flexible hiring.
  • Post your jobs to job boards like FlexJobs, which posts only flexible job listings. This helps you target the exact job seekers who need work flexibility the most.

Through workplace flexibility, employers can support those who serve and their families. Not only does the flexibility in their working arrangements bring more balance to their lives, but it also allows them to openly and honorably serve their country while remaining loyal to the mission at home.

Readers, are you a military-friendly employer? Do you already show your support of military professionals with flexible work? Share with us below!

Photo credit: istockphoto.com

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