Using Technology to Recruit and Retain an Engaged Workforce

Exclusive Interview: Using Technology to Recruit and Retain an Engaged Workforce


It should come as no surprise that Kayla Lebovits, CEO and Founder of Bundle Benefits, has insights on how to embrace artificial intelligence (AI) and technology to modernize hiring practices. After all, Kayla has been a pioneering force in the HR world, pushing to revolutionize the employee experience and positively influence company growth.

A New York native and former Wall Street workaholic, Kayla earned her MBA from Harvard University before launching Bundle Benefits. Through her company, Kayla champions a holistic approach to employee well-being, engagement, and advancement. She is also an active member of the NEXT Gen Board of NEXT for AUTISM, which assists individuals in leading fulfilled lives. With a bachelor’s degree in diplomatic history and a minor in education from the University of Pennsylvania, Kayla’s knowledge and expertise is invaluable.

We were delighted to have a chance to sit down with Kayla and discuss the many ways employers can embrace AI and technology to modernize and enhance their culture.

Embracing Technology to Support DEI and a Modern Workforce: An Exclusive Interview

Note: This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.


How do organizations go about encouraging ethical use?

Before jumping into the positives and potential, it’s important to address the elephant in the room: many people are worried about the use of new AI in the workplace.

Companies can use AI ethically by 1) setting company ground rules and policies for its responsible use, 2) providing necessary training and learning so their teams understand how this new tech can positively support their work, and 3) being transparent and creating guidelines for its use.

This technology is new and can be stressful for employees as they are onboarded—think about providing your teams with clear frameworks to follow, which will also help with buy-in and increase comfort.

Organizations, HR leaders, and managers must find ways to reassure team members that they remain more valuable than AI. It’s really all about having an AI strategy that elevates the company’s digital mindset and understanding of how this technology can better help the company realize goals. People need to understand that they are still a vital role in the machine-human interface regardless of the technology.

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What hiring strategies should employers develop in regard to hybrid and remote work?

I don’t think there is a one-size-fits-all strategy when considering hybrid or remote work options for your company’s hiring strategy. It really depends on how digitally ready and technologically savvy your company culture is and how prepared your leadership team is to lead from a distance.

Many companies thrive working in a fully remote situation while others struggle to perform and fail, even within the same industry.


What are the impacts of employers not adopting digital-first practices in their hiring?

By not adopting digital-first practices in hiring, employers risk losing the ability to attract top talent looking to work for companies with digitally-native (or digital-first) practices. This can also make it much harder for new hires to become acclimated to a new environment once onboarded. Everything from performance to team dynamics to company culture can be impacted.


How can AI harm and or improve hiring decisions?

AI can improve and expedite the hiring process in many ways from recruitment to selection and filtering candidates to onboarding new talent. It can streamline a lengthy process through automation, but like other areas where technology can make our lives easier, a human still needs to be in control. There needs to be mindful awareness of software bias and sanity checking the subjective elements of the hiring decision process, such as ensuring equity, equality, and diversity in candidate selections.


How can AI help grow and promote DEI programs in the workplace?

AI can support the integration of DEI into workplace process and practice by enhancing learning opportunities and increasing awareness and understanding of the workforce. AI can also help build DEI skills that mitigate bias in decision-making, elevate inclusivity, and support people to drive DEI strategies and analytics.

Also, AI can make it easier for people with visual or hearing impairments, for example, through AI-powered tools, like instant translation. This can enable millions of people to apply for jobs and excel in roles they were previously unable to participate in.


Can the use of technology build a better corporate culture and workplace?

I believe so, yes!


Using AI and technology, what strategies can organizations use to prevent employee burnout?

AI is already being used to help employees be more mindful their time—specifically the Microsoft Office 365 suite—by tracking who they are spending time with in meeting, chats, and more. AI is also a great tool for assistance in managing processes that can be tedious and stressful—or error-prone—by making the task more achievable and manageable.


What are the best tools to build and maintain an engaged workforce?

I could spend all day on this question. But I think the top thing a company can do to build and maintain an engaged workforce starts with its culture. Companies need to foster experiences, learning, benefits, programs, perks, and technologies that are reflective of their values and the needs of their people.

When people’s needs are met, job satisfaction, employee retention, and professional well-being tend to be strong as well, creating an engaged workforce.


How can AI and technology help to retain employees?

AI and other technologies—like extended reality—can be leveraged to help people better understand their colleagues and the unique needs, challenges, and pressure points they experience in their jobs and lives. This will help keep team members happy and engaged on the job. Achieving a culture of mutual understanding is key to retaining employees.


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