Employee enjoying workplace perks

3 Free Workplace Perks Your Employees Will Love


Are you on the hunt for a few meaningful workplace perks to reward employees’ hard work without spending a dime? Look no further than flexible work schedules!

Inspired by a recent article in Forbes Magazine, we’ve compiled three free employee perks that your staff will love, maybe even more than a raise.

Allowing for flex work is not just a great way of acknowledging the contributions of your staff; it may even boost employee productivity.

Read on to discover three free workplace perks to recognize your employees while promoting a healthy and productive company culture:

1. Assign designated work-from-home days.

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If the concept of working virtually is new to your company, Forbes recommends getting your feet wet by assigning employees one half-day a week when they can choose to work from home.

Depending on the needs of your business, these half-days can be staggered so no two employees are working from home at the same time, or you might designate a particular day every week when all employees are free to work remotely. Even better, ask each team member which day they would prefer to work from home.

2. Allow flexible work schedules.

If some of your employees prefer to come into the office or if remote work simply isn’t an option, consider giving team members the freedom to deviate from the standard nine-to-five work day. Parents, for example, will appreciate being able to shift their work schedules so they can take their kids to school in the morning, pick them up in the afternoon, or attend an important after-school event. This free employee perk also allows your staff to schedule their work hours when they know they can be the most productive, which is another employer-employee win-win.

3. Give employees your trust.

One of the most powerful methods of recognizing employees’ efforts is to show that you trust them to complete their work successfully. This can mean giving team members the freedom to leave early when they are exhausted or come in late when they have to run errands during work hours, for example, without keeping tabs on their comings and goings. Not only will your staff appreciate the increased level of trust and autonomy, but this is yet another free employee perk that can have a significant impact on productivity.

In fact, a study of 88 Canadian retail stores published in the Journal of Applied Psychology found that employees who reported feeling trusted by their managers were more likely to have better sales and customer service performance. Founding partner of the Peppers & Rogers Group, Don Peppers, offered similar advice in a Business Insider article: “If you want your company to be successful, you need to cultivate a culture of trust, which will encourage your employees to work better with each other and to enjoy doing it.”

Photo Credit: bigstockphoto.com

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