How to Use Artificial Intelligence for Hiring and Recruiting

How to Use Artificial Intelligence for Hiring and Recruiting


Are you curious about using AI in your recruiting process? Lately, artificial intelligence (AI) is popping up everywhere we turn. A new AI tool arrives on the scene daily, each with more gadgets and gizmos than the last. So, of course, you may be exploring the idea of using AI in your hiring and recruiting process.

It’s a fact that you will need a quick, modern recruiting process to compete with major employers for top talent. And AI software can quickly take your recruiting up a notch, creating a significantly faster process and appealing to tech-savvy candidates. Plus, job seekers are quickly growing accustomed to AI-powered technology.

On the other hand, AI recruiting has its share of drawbacks. You’re wise to consider the nuances of using AI in your hiring and recruiting process before you decide whether or not you’ll incorporate it.

Understanding AI in the Hiring and Recruiting Process

In the context of the recruiting process, AI can automate otherwise time-consuming tasks for hiring managers and HR teams. An AI recruiting tool is often utilized to replace repetitive tasks, such as screening resumes, scheduling interviews, and assessing candidates. Making these tools available helps recruiters save substantial time and effort. And tech-savvy candidates often find the streamlined process more accessible and enjoyable.

Many recruiting processes currently have options for AI, and with an explosion in technology growth, we’ll likely see more soon. For now, the following areas are where you’re most likely to run into it.

Screen Resumes for Job Fit

Are you one of the many companies already using an applicant tracking system (ATS)? Well, according to recent reports, over 50% of companies do. And when you consider Fortune 500 companies, that number jumps to almost 90%.

If you’re not using an ATS, it’s worth considering. One of the most common types of AI used in the hiring process, an ATS creates a significantly quicker and more efficient way to scan and rank resumes. As resumes pass through the software, the most qualified applicants are selected based on matches to keywords from the job description in the candidate’s resume. Each applicant gets ranked based on their match for the role.

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ATS software ranks submissions based on various criteria, such as work experience, education, and skills. Rather than working through manual processes, recruiters can start by assessing the highest-ranking resumes to locate qualified talent quickly. That means no more late nights at the office sorting through hundreds of resumes until your eyes cross.

Source Candidates Effortlessly

AI tools can get involved earlier in the hiring process too. For instance, AI can be used to court passive candidates. Some software links to platforms such as LinkedIn and Twitter. Using the tool, you can create automated reminders, check in with applicants routinely, and send canned emails.

It doesn’t stop there. You can set keywords to ensure you follow up with applicants whose skills match openings they might not have seen. More features depend on your chosen software, but all provide support in similar ways.

Schedule Interviews With Ease

Thanks to automation tools like Calendly, which integrate with your AI-powered software, you can use AI to eliminate the back-and-forth in scheduling interviews. Instead, you’ll simply present a link to the candidate and let them choose a time that works well for them. You also create more equity and inclusion in your hiring process when you don’t assume that every job seeker has the ability to take a few hours off at the last minute to interview.

From a company perspective, recruiters can focus on building relationships when they set their interview availability and let the applicant pick a time. Instead of devoting time to responding to emails and trying to track down an opening that fits everyone’s schedule, it’s all completed through software. Timely interviewing can significantly shorten the length of the hiring process, elevating the candidate’s experience.

Concerns Around Using AI in Your Recruitment Process

We’ve touched on the advantages, but it wouldn’t be accurate to suggest that there are no potential drawbacks to incorporating AI in your recruiting and hiring process.

Consider Ethical Implications When Using AI in Hiring

While AI can be a powerful tool in the hiring process, it is essential to consider the ethical implications of its use. Even though AI isn’t built with any bias, the algorithm will be managed by humans and can inherit human tendencies.

If the algorithms are not designed to account for certain factors, such as race, gender, or nationality, AI may inadvertently discriminate against certain groups of candidates. Speech mannerisms, for example, can be misunderstood by the machine. People with strong accents—even native speakers of the target language for the job—might find it hard to pass audio and video screening software.

Another concern is that AI might make decisions that aren’t based on a candidate’s entire profile. For example, suppose an AI tool is designed to evaluate candidates’ resume skills only. In that case, it may overlook other factors that might make the candidate a terrific addition to the corporate culture.

To minimize these risks, it is vital to ensure that the algorithms used in the hiring process are transparent and accountable. Recruiters must still be deeply involved in sourcing and hiring the right talent.

Account for Candidates With Various Levels of Tech Comfort

It’s safe to say that many applicants will be eager for a more streamlined and modern application process. But some won’t. In fact, quite a few applicants might feel uncomfortable with AI technology. And beyond discomfort, applicants with language barriers and those with disabilities may have more significant hurdles.

As such, organizations committed to diversity should consider providing alternative hiring methods to meet all applicants’ needs and preferences.

Acknowledge a Potential Lack of Transparency

There is a lot that’s unanswered at this point regarding the legalities of AI. Who owns the rights to AI-produced content, where does sensitive data go, and who is in charge of oversight? With deep learning, there’s potential for AI-based decisions to be made that your team might not even be aware of.

When candidates feel that they were discriminated against, how will they bring that charge against a computer? And how can a company ensure that AI-powered software upholds its standards?

If you include AI in your hiring process, you should ensure that there is transparency and complete understanding by its users. Schedule timely audits to verify that the AI supports your culture and goals appropriately.

Future of AI in the Recruiting Process

Despite the challenges and limitations associated with AI in hiring, there is no doubt that it will continue to play an increasingly important role in the recruitment process. As technology evolves, AI tools will become more advanced and sophisticated, performing tasks previously possible only by humans.

Leaning into AI in the recruiting and hiring process can be an excellent choice for your team, provided you use AI as a tool to assist, rather than replace, recruiters.

Looking to fill open roles? FlexJobs is a leader in helping companies find top remote and hybrid talent.

Looking to fill open roles? FlexJobs is a leader in helping companies find top remote and hybrid talent.

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