Already Remote? Make the Transition to Work From Anywhere

Not Just Remote—Making the Transition to Work From Anywhere


Once a rarity, work from anywhere is on the rise in popularity. In fact, the careers page for Airbnb received more than 800,000 visits after announcing its work-from-anywhere policy. But what exactly is work from anywhere (WFA)? And how can you implement a work-from-anywhere policy?

Below, we go over what work from anywhere is, its benefits and drawbacks, and some important considerations for employers.

What Is Work From Anywhere (WFA)?

Work from anywhere lets employees work from their desired location (or locations) without restrictions. They might work from their homes, from anywhere in the country, or from anywhere in the world. Many people who enjoy work-from-anywhere benefits are called digital nomads.

While it’s still not the majority of employment policies, work from anywhere is becoming more common. A study by MBO Partners found that the number of employees working from anywhere has increased by over a 100%.

How Is WFA Different From Work From Home?

Work from anywhere shouldn’t be conflated with working from home. The two are very different.

A work-from-home policy allows employees to work from the comfort of their own homes. However, there may be location restrictions (i.e., “Employees must reside in California” or “Applicants based in Alaska will not be considered.”).

Usually, location restrictions are due to office locations (for a hybrid arrangement) or certain professions that require state licensure (i.e., a clinical dietitian licensed in South Carolina wouldn’t legally be able to practice in Georgia).

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But with work from anywhere, there are no location restrictions. Your employees could be based in Dublin or Dubai. Or, they could work from their laptop as they travel to various countries.

What Are the Benefits of Work From Anywhere?

There are numerous benefits to both employers and employees with work-from-anywhere policies. Digital nomads tend to feel happier about their jobs than non-nomadic employees. And embracing work from anywhere also leads to increased retention for employers.

Employers can also benefit from a larger talent pool than if they had to hire from within certain states, like Oregon or Vermont.

What Are the Potential Drawbacks of Work From Anywhere?

While there are many perks to allowing employees to work from anywhere in the world, there are some drawbacks.

Without proper planning, WFA could pose potential cybersecurity risks. For example, a psychiatrist could potentially put patient information at risk by accessing their personal data on public Wi-Fi.

Health insurance could also be a potential complication with WFA policies. If your employees work in California and Nevada, you may have set plans to provide comprehensive coverage in those states. You also may have insurance to protect you from liability with an on-the-job injury.

But what happens when your employee gets sick while traveling through Vietnam? Or, what if they have an accident while working from a coworking spot in Paris?

While this doesn’t mean working from anywhere is bad, companies should implement work-from-anywhere policies to mitigate risks and ensure business continuity.

How Can Employers Support Employees While Working From Anywhere?

How can your company support employees when they work all over the globe? Below are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Foster clear communication to ensure alignment of expectations and keep employees engaged.
  • Establish one-to-one sessions for employees to get clear direction from management.
  • List countries where employees may not travel for security reasons (i.e., maybe don’t allow employees to travel to North Korea).
  • Set up workplace policies to protect sensitive data.
  • Host events to engage employees.

Embracing Work From Anywhere

While working from home is more widespread, working from anywhere may be the future of flexible work. To successfully transition to a work-from-anywhere workplace, set up the right policies to ensure legal compliance and foster a sense of belonging among location-independent employees.

Looking to reap the benefits of digital nomads for your workplace? FlexJobs can help you meet your recruitment needs for location-independent and remote employees. Learn more about FlexJobs today!

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