Offering flexible work and more news

Offering Flexible Work Opportunities, and More News


Flexible work opportunities are what professionals want and need. By ignoring flexible work, employers could face many consequences, such as losing top talent.

Attracting and keeping talent, especially millennials and tech professionals, can be maximized by offering flexible work opportunities, including remote work and flexible schedules. Even experienced executives want flexible work, which can help them find meaning in their jobs as they lead and develop new generations of professionals.

For more news and information on these topics, check out the following pieces.

Flexible Work Opportunities, Attracting Talent, and Managing Experienced Executives:

Why Every Boss Should Consider Offering Flexible Work Opportunities to Their Employees on Inc.

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“Without flexibility, employers will lose talent: The number of people who say they’ve quit a job due to lack of flexibility has nearly doubled from 17% in 2014 to 32% in 2017, according to my company FlexJobs’ 2018 survey of over 3,000 professionals. Respondents also said that having flexible work options would make them more loyal to their employers and would foster stronger work relationships.”

Want to Attract Younger Talent? Do This 1 Thing on The Motley Fool

“In fact, 70% of millennials have either left or considered leaving a job because it didn’t offer flexible work options, according to new data from FlexJobs. Not only that, but 78% of millennials say they would be more loyal to an existing employer if they had more flexibility with their schedules.”

How to Fill Your Tech Talent Gap with Part-Time Workers: 10 Tips for Success on TechRepublic

“The number of people who say that they’ve quit a job due to a lack of flexibility has nearly doubled in recent years, from 17% in 2014 to 32% in 2017, according to a FlexJobs survey.”

How to Manage Experienced Executives as a Millennial CEO on Forbes

“Being a good leader means taking into account what all your employees want, no matter what their age or experience level. If companies fall into the trap of tailoring their culture only for a younger crowd, they could be missing out on wisdom from older employees. And there is a generational difference when it comes to culture and benefits. According to a FlexJobs survey in August 2018, millennials placed more value on flexible work options, the ability to travel, and company perks. Older workers primarily highlighted financial benefits and having meaningful work.”

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