Demonstrating the pitfalls of working remotely.

5 Pitfalls of Working Remotely


While remote work can lead to greater employee satisfaction and even a better bottom line, such an arrangement is not without its challenges.

Here are five pitfalls of working remotely that employers commonly cite and ways to deal with these issues:

1. “I can’t see what they are doing.”

For leaders used to watching their employees work, managing telecommuters can be a scary leap of faith. To ease worries, some companies invest in technology that monitors the time and output of off-site workers. Others reframe their mindset to focus solely on results. This action establishes a relationship based on trust and prevents managers from wasting time trying to “catch” a telecommuter slacking off. The end product is all that matters.

2. “I’m worried teleworkers don’t feel like part of the team.”

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Camaraderie with colleagues can build positive feelings about a job and increase loyalty. Luckily, modern communication methods enable teams to stay connected even when they don’t work at a central location. Start with a good onboarding experience in which new hires learn company values. Some businesses encourage current workers to send welcome emails to newcomers to help form bonds. Assign someone who knows the ropes to be a mentor—no law says your buddy needs to be physically present. And get everyone set up in an online meeting place where “water cooler” chat is encouraged.

3. “Information might slip through the cracks.”

Communicate early and often! Establish regular check-ins during which remote employees and managers go over a prioritized to-do list. Create centralized calendars that all can view. Collaborate and share through Google Docs. And stress to your remote workers that you’re available for questions or clarification—asking isn’t a “bother,” but rather the sign of a conscientious worker.

4. “The time difference is a pain.”

Yes, it can take some getting used to when workers contribute from different zones. Make friends with, which can tell you the precise hour anywhere in the world. Also, get in the habit of listing the time zone when presenting deadlines. A team member in California may not realize you wanted that report by 3:00 CST, not Pacific Time.

Think, too, about ways time differences can work to your company’s advantage. In the ever-expanding global marketplace, increasing the hours of staff availability can mean better customer support.

5. “What if they don’t produce?”

Just as in a regular office setting, sometimes a remote employee doesn’t work out. If routine procedures such as direct feedback and goal setting do not fix the situation, termination might be the only choice.

Not everyone is cut out to be a telecommuter. Up the odds of hiring someone with the discipline to work away from the office by considering “remote work” as a skill in itself, just like you judge candidates on factors such as problem-solving ability or writing talent. For someone without a proven record of successful telework, consider a trial period. Go-getting, reliable flex workers will use this time to shine and boost your confidence in their performance!

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