Employer frustrated that U.S. jobs are going unfilled.

Why a Quarter of U.S. Jobs Remain Unfilled for More Than 60 Days


Even as job seekers struggle to find work, employers are offering thousands of jobs that they’re unable to fill. It’s the kind of conundrum where the twain can’t meet: job candidates want to work, but U.S. jobs remain unfilled at companies across many industries.

Forbes recently crunched the numbers, finding that the U.S. topped the list of countries where jobs remain unfilled the longest. The U.S. edged out Germany, Canada, France, and the United Kingdom to land as the country where jobs remain unfilled the longest—not exactly the greatest list to attain the top slot.

There are loads of reasons why jobs remain unfilled in the U.S. Our research highlights a few, demonstrating how both job candidates and hiring managers may be contributing to reasons why jobs remain unfilled, often for weeks on end.

Consider these possible reasons why U.S. jobs remain unfilled for 60 days or more:

Skills Gap 

The concept of a “skills gap” is up for debate. Some experts argue that in specific sectors where requirements for tech skills are on the rise (manufacturing in particular), employers can’t fill jobs because there aren’t enough skilled workers in the hiring pool. That in turn is causing manufacturing jobs to go unfilled.

verified jobs graphic

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But other economic specialists argue that it’s not the skills gap that’s contributing to why jobs remain unfilled. Rather, their argument goes, the real problem for many employers may be not only finding talent that’s the right fit, but training new and existing hires to bring their skills up to par and in line with the organization’s needs.

Picky Employers 

While hiring managers look to hire employees who are a good fit for their company, there’s an argument that sometimes company recruiters go too far in seeking that perfect fit. Employers are being “increasingly choosy,” sometimes to their detriment, according to a study by the Economic Cycle Research Institute. Dragging out the hiring process can leave positions vacant for an extended period and can drive away good candidates.

Employers who set unrealistically high requirements for jobs may also be contributing to the problem. Rather than waiting for perfection, employers may benefit by accepting candidates who have many, but not all, of the required skills, and make training a priority.

Picky Job Seekers

Just like employers may be too choosy, some job seekers may be overly selective in their job search. In fact, a 2016 study of recruiters and employers conducted by MRI Network found the current job market is candidate-driven, and that some of those “candidates confidently reject undesirable offers” in favor of waiting for something better.

In a candidate-driven market, job seekers who perceive themselves in the driver’s seat may feel compelled to demand higher pay, greater work flexibility, and great perks. If they don’t get what they want, the inclination may be to just say no—a major contributor to the reasons why jobs remain unfilled.

Stagnant Wages

In many industries, wages have remained stagnant for decades and purchasing power for workers is weak. That could translate to job seekers making the choice not to accept positions where the pay barely covers costs associated with working outside the home, including transportation, clothing, and restaurant meals. And some economists say the lack of wage growth proves there’s a lack of good jobs.

Stymied pay is a particular problem for jobs with lower pay, as evidenced by the years-long efforts to raise the federal minimum wage to $15. Although some states have raised minimum pay rates on their own, the overall history of minimum wage increases shows that the problem has been around forever, and may be a significant factor in why some jobs remain unfilled.

No “Meeting of the Minds”

This one is a little bit esoteric, for sure. When employers recruit talent, they often want what they want: excellent candidates whose credentials meet or exceed their requirements. At the same time, job seekers want what they want as well: companies that offer great, competitive benefits like flexible work options and on-site perks.

So how do these opposite sides meet? In a fluid job market, both job seekers and companies could benefit from being flexible when it comes to what they’re seeking in an employer or employee. On both sides of the coin, both job seekers and hiring managers might set aside any notion of reaching perfection, and instead base their decisions on what’s best in the long term.

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