Employer on an iPad creating standards for remote workers.

Standards for Remote Workers, Rewarding Hard Work, and More News


Part of the challenge of adopting flexible work is figuring out what works and what doesn’t. As each company is different, the standards for remote workers and flexible staffers will vary. This week’s employer news focuses on just that as well as ways to reward employees, why telecommuting is beneficial, and tools to consider for your remote team.

When implementing flexible work, it’s important to create processes that set guidelines for goals and expectations. As Entrepreneur discusses, it’s also important to create standards for remote workers that will meet their unique set of needs and circumstances in a virtual environment. Along these same lines, app.com covers the benefits of telecommuting and offers employers and job seekers alike some common equipment that remote and virtual workers need.

Many employers know that budget constraints can limit the benefits and rewards afforded to employees. Ere Media provides a unique take on how to reward hard work. Can you guess? Flexible work! And it shouldn’t come as any surprise that this would be accepted with open arms. As PC Mag shares, telecommuting is the new dream job for staffers as they are able to find balance, increase their productivity, and find greater satisfaction in their work.

Read on for some great excerpts and links to the full articles, including how to create standards for remote workers!

4 Ways to Create Effective Standards for Remote Workers on Entrepreneur

“Many companies mistakenly use the same standards for in-house and remote workers, failing to account for the unique communication and assessment needs virtual teams present.

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At very large companies such as Amazon, for example, which FlexJobs announced as one of the top three businesses offering remote working opportunities in 2016, this kind of misstep could result in company-wide inefficiencies.”

How to Reward Hard Work by Employees on a Tight Budget on Ere Media

“Giving employees the option to work from home can boost their satisfaction, reward their hard work, and help reduce the need for overtime pay.

After all, a survey conducted by FlexJobs in August 2015 found that 68 percent of respondents say they are more productive when they work from home because it reduces the stress they feel from commuting. In addition, 97 percent said a job with flexibility would have a positive impact on their overall quality of life, while 87 percent said flexibility would lower their stress levels.

Allowing employees to choose where to work will help them do their best work in less time. When employees are less stressed by their work they are more productive, and will be less likely to work overtime.”

Survey Says: Telecommuting is the New Dream Job on PC Mag

“People who work from home are really working, and as studies have shown, can actually work more productively and effectively than in-office workers. In fact, people who work from home need to be careful to avoid overwork by setting up a clear schedule for themselves, and taking time to really step away from work when the day is done. Those same studies find that telecommuters report higher levels of happiness and are less likely to leave their jobs, and even their children are happier. So there are some pretty great benefits to working from home, as long as you’re realistic about the situation and treat it as real work.”

Telecommuting: 5 Essential Pieces of Gear on app.com

“You can hire the best person for the job—even if they live across the country or around the world (barring any time zone challenges). Another advantage for employers: candidates who want to work from home may accept a lower salary than those who must commute to work; this isn’t always the case, but you can compare salaries for the same positions—in-house versus at-home—at FlexJobs.com. As a cost-saving consideration, you don’t have to pay for office space (and other related expenses) for an at-home worker. You might be able to close the deal over a video call instead of incurring the costs to fly cross-country. Those who work from home are often happier and more productive, which is good for company morale and efficiency.”

Readers, do you set standards for remote workers and flexible employees? How do they measure up with in office standards? Share you tips with us below!

photo credit: bigstock.com

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