Photo representing the future workforce.

Tap into Tech to Recruit for the Future Workforce


Just how much do millennials value technology? In a new study on the future workforce commissioned by Dell and Intel, 42 percent of respondents from this generation of mostly 20- and 30-somethings said they would quit a job with substandard technology. Furthermore, 82 percent said workplace technology has an influence when deciding to take a job.

Key Findings of Dell and Intel’s Future Workforce Study

Other key findings from the Future Workforce studywhich surveyed more than 3,800 full-time employees of small, medium-size, and large organizations distributed across 10 countries, include:

  • Over half (57 percent) of all employees believe they will be working in a smart office within the next five years.
  • A little more than half (51 percent) of those surveyed believe that better technologies will make face-to-face meetings redundant within the next five years.
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  • Just under two-thirds (63 percent) of millennials and 55 percent of “older” workers (over 35 years of age) indicate they would rather have high-tech perks, such as augmented/virtual reality, or AR/VR, and Internet of Things, or IoT, than low-tech perks like pingpong tables or free food.
  • Just under two thirds (62 percent) of the global population believe that the introduction of artificial intelligence, or AI, will make their job easier, while half (50 percent) say AI will lead to more productivity in the workplace. The ability to automate complex or repetitive tasks is seen as the major immediate advantage.

So what might this information mean for employers now and in the future? How can it help you attract and retain top talent?

Promote your tech-rich environment.

Show prospective employees (especially coveted millennials) what you’ve got! Highlight your smart office, remote capabilities, and the like on your website, through social media, and during recruitment efforts such as job fairs and candidate interviews.

Stay abreast of developments.

Employers who let other companies worry about “the latest and greatest” products risk falling behind, both in terms of productivity and attracting talent. Keeping informed about what’s out there now and what might be on the horizon will help you plan (and budget) your technological future.

Consider sending interested team members to appropriate tech-related trade shows and seminars as part of their professional development.

Flex work will thrive.

Many great companies already use technology to allow telecommuting and other flexible arrangements. As communication and collaboration possibilities continue to expand, businesses will be able to offer even more setups conducive to work-life balance.

Geographic boundaries for employment may become a thing of the past in many industries, and remote work options may become not only desirable but expected.

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Readers, how does your company promote its technology capabilities to the future workforce during the recruiting process? Let us know in the comments section below.

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