Employer looking for ways to find freelancers

7 Ways to Find Freelancers and Keep the Best


Hiring freelancers can be a great way to enrich your business, especially if you take the time to find quality professionals capable of fulfilling your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for short-term help during a busy period or someone to tackle a complex project beyond the skill set of your current team, independent contractors provide a wealth of flexible options. But how do you find freelancers who are worthwhile?

But don’t bring on just anyone. Approach the opening with the same seriousness as hiring permanent staff.

These seven tips can help you find freelancers who are excellent and maintain lasting ties:

1. Ask around.

Reputable freelancers can provide samples of their work and connect you to past clients who can attest to their merit. Reach out to your network, too. Others may have experience with the independent contractor you are considering or be able to direct you to worthy candidates with whom they’ve worked.

2. Be clear about your wants and needs.

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Construct a comprehensive job description. Such an action enables you to zero in on exactly what you want done and helps prospective freelancers evaluate whether or not they’d be a good match.

3. Look closely at their experience and level of passion.

You might be impressed by the big-name clients on their resume—but don’t let that drive your decision. As this Entrepreneur article notes, settling for general talent rather than specific experience will result in you paying for a less-than-premium service. Likewise, the best work comes from people who are truly excited by what they are being asked to do, so hold out for passion.

4. Pay well.

Underpaid freelancers lack motivation to truly engage in a project wholeheartedly, so you’ll likely get what you pay for. Do some homework on going rates for what you want done. Then, discuss compensation with the prospective worker. Experienced freelancers know what their services are worth and will be happy to negotiate a mutually satisfactory amount.

5. Post openings on FlexJobs.

Prospective workers committed to freelancing view a subscription to FlexJobs as a small price to pay for quick access to thousands of screened, legitimate opportunities. Post a position on FlexJobs to connect with hard-working professionals interested in performing services for your company.

6. Pay on time.

To keep your great talent around, you need to pay them on time. Just as permanent employees would be furious if not paid promptly, remember that freelancers also count on their income. Define payment terms and stick to them, or risk a great freelancer never accepting a gig from you again.

7. Show appreciation.

Everyone welcomes recognition. If you’re happy with the performance, be sure to let the freelancer know. Go the extra mile by offering to serve as a reference, endorse on LinkedIn, or recommend to your business acquaintances. The goodwill generated can make you a preferred client the next time you seek this independent contractor’s services.

Want to find freelancers? Browse resumes and professional candidates in 55 categories.

Photo Credit: bigstockphoto.com

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