Remote worker.

Your Workers Are Remote, but Are They Happy?


Yes, the rumors are true. Studies have shown that remote workers are more productive than their in-office peers. But a new study is questioning for just how long remote workers are more productive.

A study released by the London School of Economics and Political Science found that, over time, remote workers tend to be less productive than they used to be. The study’s author, Esther Canonico, hypothesizes that the reason for this drop-off is because workers no longer feel that working from home is a privilege but rather the norm.

In a statement, Canonico said: “This study provides a glimpse into a future where flexible working practices could become business as usual and seen as an entitlement by employees, especially among the younger generation. Whereas once people saw it as a favor and felt the need to reciprocate and give back more to the organization for having that benefit, in this future, they will not.”

According to the study, remote employees working full-time still worked longer hours than their office counterparts. But the extra hours took a dip over time, declining from 3.1 extra hours for those working up to two years and then dropping to 1.2 hours for those working from home for five to 10 years.

Sure, part of the problem could be just as Canonico stated: once remote workers became used to working from home, they no longer felt the need to “pay back” their employers by putting in longer hours. But there could be bigger issues at play here, including the happiness level of remote workers.

If your workers are remote, here’s how to keep them happy—and engaged.

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1. Be sure to include them.

Many different personality types like to work from home—from introverted to extroverted people. But even if your team is composed of a bunch of shy types, they probably still want to feel included in the company.

Be sure to send them information about company happenings and keep them included on different events and activities that the company is offering. By feeling included they will feel like a true part of the team, which could help stave off potential feelings of isolation and loneliness.

2. Set them up for success.

Workers want to feel that their input matters. But for remote employees, they can only be as good as the tools they are given. That’s why it’s up to management to ensure that their teams have the proper tools (and training) needed in order for them to work successfully.

It might mean re-examining the communication tools that are currently being used or offering a stipend to ensure that each worker has a top-of-the-line computer from which to work. Assess what it will take for workers to be successful and then supply the things they will need.

3. Reward good work.

Remote workers might feel as if they are working in a bubble, particularly if their hard work is met with silence. But management should always be on the lookout for ways to motivate flexible workers by taking the time to reward them for a job well done.

That could include something as simple as a shout-out in the company newsletter or during an all-staff conference call. Or it could be sending them a gift certificate to their favorite local restaurant. Showing that you and the company care about them can help boost their productivity—and keep them engaged.

4. Encourage get-togethers.

The school of thought has traditionally been that giving people the option to work remotely automatically means that they’ll always be happy.

But as the study shows, that might not be the case in the long term. So encourage team members who live near each other to get together. Being able to be face-to-face with other employees can give your team members a much-needed boost and keep them connected to each other—and the company as a whole.

It’s in any company’s best interest to ensure that its workers are happy and healthy and feel good about working for their company. By promoting positive feelings, remote workers will feel invested, energized, and yes, loyal, to your company. In turn, you’ll see productivity soar, no matter how long your employees have been working at your business.

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Readers, do you make an effort to keep your workers happy? What do you specifically do? Let us know in the comments below!

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