Teaching Jobs - Remote Work From Home & Flexible

Welcome to remote, part-time, freelance, and flexible teaching jobs! Teaching professionals provide educational services for students of all ages, from K-12 to adult learning or college and university environments. Teaching professionals are generally experts in one or more subject areas and have the special training to...

Job Search Results

1 to 2 of 2 for Teaching
  • 100% Remote Work
  • Part-Time
  • Freelance
  • Work from Anywhere

Teach Spanish to adult learners from top companies worldwide through virtual 1:1 and group sessions. Provide a minimum of 25 hours of availability per month and meet technical requirements. Access to professional development and paid training.

  • 100% Remote Work
  • Full-Time
  • Employee
  • 25.00 - 30.00 USD Hourly
  • Work from Anywhere

Analyze and evaluate AI language models, ensuring accuracy and improving training methods. Document breaks and recommend improvements. Strong coding experience in COBOL required. Entry-level position with flexible hours and room for advancement.

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Kelly Sutherland
Thermo Fisher Scientific Yodo1

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Kelsey G., Ore City, TX
Administrative Assistant Scheduler at Paragon Planners
Jun 28, 2024
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